Lately I've been putting so much effort to update this blog even sometimes I do think it's not worth to sit in front of lappy and wasting your precious time to type everything "alphabetically". (Naa...this is one of the reason how this blog got its name..I guess..hahha)
But now I do think the situation had turn 180 degrees, not to say upside down because I do found the reason why I should not stop form rambling over here...yeah!! (put clapping sound here-together with my annoying face :P). In the real world, I am not what I am now. Like now, I could write anything over everything compared to the real me. I do have many things to share but every time it happens,the mouth doesn't want to be a kind of help at all and the voice box seems does not work as it should. Poor me! *sigh*. OK! End of Rambling Part!!
Now...Lets back to the real topic babe...
::What? No answer?
Yes babe, no answer!
And I was like "Naa...buat apa tanya kalau takde jawapan, kan?"
Even the most craziest subject during my studies (its design guys..later I should write something about this..hahha), even the lecturers gave the most craziest question for us to crack our head in the exam hall, even the calculation we did that time look like no clue for an answer, but still...still at the end of the semester, while everyone was busy preparing for the final exam, then the lecturers will provide us with "Answer Scheme" for that crazy question...(at this point everyone was like "Laa..macam ni ghupenye nak buat" "Dah betul laa aku buat macam ni, pasal la aku padam")...True story yaa..hehhe
::And so, Soalan apakah yang tiada jawapannya tu?
Ahha..The question is coming....right now!
(Tarik nafas dalam-dalam..1 2 3 lepas..1 2 3 lepas.. 1 2 3 proooot)
Situasi 1 (dengan tiada salam mahupun kata alu-aluan)
::Bila nak kahwin? *sound effect bunyi guruh*
(Situas ini lain dengan previous post where previous post berkenaan kanak-kanak pramatang yang ditanyakan soalan melepasi batas IQ nya. Kali ni tentang mereka yang dah lengkap segalanya tinggal satu lagi tak setel..hehhe)
It's not happen to me yet (dengan muka konfiden nya..hehhe). I guess so or maybe if it's happen, I never take it into heart because it's not my priority yet. Or should I say I am still young and let me enjoy my youth? Hahha..♫♪ we're are young... That's not it people. Well, I am still at the age where majority of my friends were still studying, just a few of them have had settle down *with marriage*.
I am a bit concern for question like this. (Kesian my kakaks). Maybe most of them yang tanya terdiri daripada pakcik-makcik kan...It's OK.. Tak kisahlah siapa pun yang tanya. But one thing yang buat kisah nya, do they think about perasaan orang-kena-tanya? Hey, it's happening right people that dearest to me. You know what, sometimes this question might lowered down someone's guts...self esteem...self confident...And this is why kebanyakan that so call "anak muda" taknak get involved dengan kenduri kendara..kan? (protest and moral down mixed well here...sebati macam dodol..yummy!!)
"Bilakah soalan ini akan mula ditayangkan ditanyakan?"
For women, it is when your age start to turn into 20...So, jangan nak gembira sangat!Freedom konon..heh. The key of freedom is actually a big door for this know? hehhe
And men, 25th and above I guess.. Considering men should have career and firm financial before going into marriage thingy..Ouh, that's requirement nowadays kan...Not to say requirement is wajib!!(naa tisu..wipe your tears and...nose please *sheesh*)
"Alah..orang perempuan je yang sensitif dengan soalan macam ni"
Hey, who says? This is a true story ok. It's is a confession made by my collegue who is now in his 26. Do I say his just now..yup his. A man! He said that he has no answer for this question and everytime someone asked him this, he felt embarrassed. Attention people! Embarrass! This question is embarrassing others..heh? Yup, it's true guys.Frankly, dia bukan malu dengan the one yang tanya, but with people around him at that moment. See, how far this question can affect others? (Naa naa tak tahu...guilty tak?)
OK, come my point..the real point...hehhe..(After a long rambling speech? ) *gosh*
If kat tangan sendiri pun, kalau Allah dah kata NO WAY, tak jadi juga dear..
Yup, secantik-cantik rancangan kita, cantik lagi plot cerita yang ditulis oleh Allah SWT di Loh Mahfuznya..
Here come the fact::
As you know, jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan kan. So we can't predict bila masa kita akan membina masjid, meet your other half... If so we can predict semua tu, then it's also possible for you to predict when you will die..kan? Naa...Welcome to Nujum Club, chingu! hehhe
If and only if mereka tahu siapa jodoh mereka, I believe that, they won't wasting their time to answer those questions. Well, marriage is not a trial and error like we do to solve certain math question. And pilih soulmate is not as easy as pilih channel kat TV (considering TV channel xbanyak macam makhluk atas muka buku bumi ni..ehhe). Believe it, semua tu rahsia Allah SWT. Kalaulah dari kita lahir lagi, kita tahu siapa jodoh kita, I believe that semua papa-mama, ibu-ayah, mak-abah akan tunangkan anak mereka ASAP..*ouh my imagination*
So, dalam sedar-tak-sedar, sebenarnya bila kita tanya "Bila mau kawen achi?" samalah juga macam kita tanya "Bila mahu mati achi?"...Yelah, you can predict what...
Simple analogy untuk santapan minda...
Have a nice day people!!
#Dedicate to someone yang pernah rapat dengan saya.
#Grammar should be ignored...MUET test is over..overrr...heee :D
#Believe me, when it's your time, you're left speechless by their question.
#Believe me, when it's your time, you're left speechless by their question.
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