Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pii.Ashhh.Emmm. Feel like hitting the bottom!

Sebelum ni dah janji tak nak..TAK NAK!! Tak nak ngeluh pasal PSM. Well, thing doesn’t always be like what you’ve planned right? And I’ve to agree that this PSM doesn’t go smoothly like what I want. I simply want to give up. Lucky me. People around me always giving out their hands when I’m about to drown. Their continuous supports and helps have cherished my gloomy days. TERIMA KASIH SEMUA!! Seriously, tanpa kamu semua, I’m nothing. How grateful I am to have these people around me:
  1. 1.  AyahIbu – They are my backbone. Carilah mana-mana parents yang sekali turun padang tolong anak buat PSM. THEY DID!! Awal-awal sem dulu, time belum bawa kereta susah nak keluar cari barang-barang projek, merekalah yang tolong carikan tempurung kelapa, hampas tebu, siap tolong keringkan lagi. Not to mention duit yang mereka spent untuk pastikan kereta yang bakal dibawa ke U nanti selamat. Seriously, rasa macam nak nangis bila balik hujung minggu diorang akan sama-sama buat PSM dengan aku, without I asked. Ayah, Ibu, I REALLY DO LOVE YOU BOTH!!
  2. 2.  My ABANGS and ADIK – Thanks for your understanding. Especially Abang Mirul. Sori terpaksa ‘curik’ kereta bawa balik U. PSM really s*** without car (saya ada lesen kereta saja J). Nak harapkan Mr.Pepel (my bicycle) ulang-alik lab, tak Mr.Pepel yang makin keding, then I yang tinggal tulang nanti. May Allah SWT grant you, you and you a much more better tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrowwwwww….Aminn
  3. 3.   IncheSV – Even, tajuk yang saya buat lari dari bidang encik, and even kadang-kadang apa yang saya Tanya, encik tak dapat nak bagi jawapan since it’s not your specialty, tapi believe me, you’ve gave me all your support, Encik. And I’m grateful for that. At least, encik tak biarkan saya terkontang-kanting tanpa arah. U lead me, to whom should I refer when I’ve difficulty. Well I think, that’s more than enough. So, bila encik cakap “kesian awak Suraya, dapat SV mcm saya, xdpt nak tolong awak” well encik, you really banyak dah tolong saya.. Still remember one of your saying time saya down sangat tak dapat nak buat projek “ Jangan risau Suraya. Saya percaya awak boleh buat. Benda yang baik memang banyak dugaannya, tapi insyaAllah akan ramai yang membantu”. I think this quotes is one of my REDBULL. You know what I mean.
  4. 4.   Dr.Rafidah (DR) – She’s not my 2nd SV but still, she gave me all she had while helping me doing my project. Dr., you know what? I’m grateful to have you along my PSM’s road. Phewwww.. She’s one of people that’ve been recommended by my SV. And I can say she’s somehow my saviour. Bila dah buntu sangat, datang jumpa dia and she absolutely will give me an answer. Pernah sekali rasa nak nangis bila pergi lab nak pinjam barang and the technician tak bagi, for some reason. And that barang is the most important thing untuk my project, takde barang tu my project memang takkan berjalan hatta 1 sentimeter pun. When I called my SV, he asked me to refer to DR since DR is familiar to that lab. And when I met DR, she simply said “jangan risau” then terus call one of her supplier and beli barang tu direct from her supplier. And at that time rasa macam nak peluk je DR, seriously!!
  5. 5.  Friends – All my friends especially Zee, Gee, Ila, Jumat and my roommates (Putri, Kak.Fad, Ama). Since, I’m the only one yang tak sama SV dengan Zee, Gee, Ila and Jumat, so memang nampaklah terkontang-kantingnya. And since dorang sama SV, dorang dapat tajuk yang sama, Cuma parameter lain-lain, but still they can do it together sometime. I’ve to admit yang I jealous tengok dorang boleh buat sama-sama. But I just kept it to myself. But somehow, they did offer me their help untuk testing nanti. Thanks Zee untuk offer tu. Seriously rasa terharu & syukur sangat. Allah perkenankan juga permintaan hati.. J… Roomates…thanks too for being my alarm clock, rants-partners, soothe me when I’m about to cry… Pillow talk was the best one guys!! And not to forget others who have make my day, and willing to share their opinions too.
  6. 6.  Inche/Che/Tuan/Puan Technician/Clerks/Cleaners semualah yang sudi reach my hands and give all they can to help me with my project. Thanks a bunch. Saya insan kerdil. Tak mungkin dapat saya membalasnya. May Allah bless U and grant all your wishes. I'm nothing without U guys. Thanks for helping me to be a Hero instead of Zero. Thanks Allah for allow these people to be around me when I'm in trouble, so I’m not alone to face your test. I can’t say much how I’m grateful towards all of U. But I pray that Allah will return all your good deeds…
#Sayang semua!!!! hope semuanya akan terus lancar dan lancarrrr...